
Monday, May 21, 2007

Kamasutra - Positions

All of us know that the Kamasutra is the ancient Indian art which teaches the requirments for a happy married life. Further, it covers the ways to attain sextual pleasures. It has a detailed teaching on the different positions which could be followed.

I'm just trying to provide you with the list of the famous techniques which are normally followed. The techiniques are:
Utphallaka - The Flower in Bloom
Madandhvaja - The Flag of Cupid
Ratisundara - Aphrodite's Delight
Uthkanta - Throat-high
Vyomapada - Sky-foot
Markata - The Monkey
Manmathpriya - Dear to Cupid
Samputa - the Jewel Case
Pidita - the Squeeze
Veshtita the Entwined
Vadavaka - the Mare's Trick
Sampada - Equal Feet
Mausala - the Pestle
Gramya - the Rustic
Ratipasha - Love's Noose
Lataveshta - the Clinging Creeper
Mukula - the Bud
Shankha - the Couch
Kaurma - The Tortoise
Paravartita - Turning
Marditaka - Crushing Spices
Kshudgaga - Striking
Yugmapada - The Foot Yoke
Yugmapada - The Feet Yoke
Svastika - The Swastika
Dolita - The Swing
Mayura - the Peacock
Padma - the Lotus
Kirtibandha - the Knot of Fame
Dhenuka - the Milch Cow
Svanaka - the Dog
Hirana - the Deer
Gardabha - the Ass
Marjara - the Cat
Mallaka - the Wrestler
Aibha - the Elephant
Hastika - the Elephant
Traivikrama - the Stride
Kulisha - the Thunderbolt
Ekabandha - One Knot
Nagabandha - the Elephant
Sthita - Steadied
Avalambitaka - Suspended
Dadhyayataka - Churning Curds
Sammukha - Face-to-face
Dola - the Swing
Traivikrama - the Stride
Tripadam - the Tripod
Ekapada - One Foot
Veshta - the Encircling
Tala - the Palm
Dvitala - Two Palms
Janukurpara - the Knee Elbow
Nimitta - Touching
Parshvatoddashta - Biting at the Sides
Bahiha-samdansha - the Outer Pincers
Antaha-samdansha - the Inner Pincers
Chumbitaka - Kissing
Parimrshtaka - Striking at the Tip
Amrachushita - Sucking a Mango
Sangara - Swallowed Whole
Adhara-sphuritam - the Quivering Kiss
Jihva-bhramanaka - the Circling Tongue
Jihva-mardita - the Tongue Massage
Chushita - Sucked
Uchchushita - Sucked Up
Kshobhaka - Stirring
Bahuchushita - Sucked Hard
Kakila - the Crow
Upasripta - Natural
Manthana - Churning
Hula - the Double-edged Knife
Avamardana - Rubbing
Piditaka - Pressing
Nirghata - the Buffet
Varahaghata - the Boar's Blow
Vrishaghata - the Bull's Blow
Chatakavilasa - Sparrow Sport
Samputa - the Jewel
Caseraga - emotions
Samdamsha - the Tongs
Bhramara - the Bee
Prenkholita - the Swing
Charunarikshita - Lovely Lady in Control
Lilasana - Seat of Sport
Hansabandha - the Swan
Upavitika - the Sacred thread
Viparitaka - ReversedHansa-
lila - Swan Sport
Garuda - Garuda
Virsha - the Bull
Devabandha - the Coitus of the Gods
Chakrabandha - the Wheel
Utkalita - the Orissan
datura - the green thorn apple

See my other blogs for details on each of these...

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