
Monday, May 21, 2007

Kamasutra - Sitting Positions

Sitting Positions

Now here i'll try and cover all the sitting positions as mentioned in Kamasutra.

Seated, mouth to mouth, arms against arms, thighs against thighs.

If the lovers' thighs, still joined, are raised.

If within the cave of her thighs you sit rotating your hips like a black bee, and if, in this pose, you turn away from her, it is Marditaka.

She sits with raised thighs, her feet placed either side of your waist. Linga (penis) enters yoni (vagina). you rain hard blows upon her body:

Here wife sits with both knees drawn tight to her body and you mirror this posture.

Here seated erect, the lovely girl folds one leg to her body and stretches the other along the bed, while you mirror her actions.

Here If, with left leg extended, she encircles your waist with her right leg, laying its ankle across her left thigh, and you do the same.

Sitting face to face in bed, her breasts pressed tight against your chest, let each of you lock heels behind the other's waist, and lean back clasping one another's wrists. Now, set the swing gently in motion, your beloved, in pretended fear, clinging to your body with her flawless limbs, cooing and moaning with pleasure.

Here If, seated face to face, your toes caress the lovely woman's nipples, her feet press your chest and you make love holding each other's hands.

Seated, the lady raises one foot to point vertically over her head and steadies it with her hands, offering up her yoni for lovemaking: this is Mayura.

If, sitting facing her, you grasp her ankles and fasten them like a chain behind your neck, and she grips her toes as you make love, it is the delightful Padma.

Here sitting erect, grip your lover's waist and pull her on to you, your loins continuously leaping together with a sound like the flapping of elephants' ears.

Please check out my other blogs for more on different positions.

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