
Monday, May 21, 2007

Kamasutra - Rear entry Positions

Rear Entry Positions

So, far in my previous blogs i've covered about the Lying down and sitting positions. Here I'm going to cover the Rear-Entry Positions.

She bends well forward and grips the bedstead, her buttocks raised high; cup your hands to serpents' hoods and squeeze her jar-shaped breasts together: this is Dhenuka.

If you mount her like a dog, gripping her waist, and she twists round to gaze into your face, experts in the art of love say it is Svanaka.

If the lady, eager for love, goes on all fours, humping her back like a doe, and you enjoy her from behind, rutting as though you'd lost all human nature, it is Hirana.

When, with lotus-feet set well-apart on the ground, she bends, placing a hand upon each thigh, and you take her from the rear, it is Gardabha.

If she lies on her stomach and you seize her ankles in one hand, lift them high and make love, tilting her chin back with your other hand, it is Marjara.

She lies on her front, grasping her ankles in her own hands and pulling them up behind her: this difficult posture is known to experts as Mallaka.

When your mistress lays breasts, arms and forehead to the carpet, raising her buttocks high, and you guide your penis into her yoni, it is Aibha.

You lift her ankles high; she draws up and extends her legs as though she were crawling through the air: this is Hastika.

She stands on palms and feet; you stand behind her and lift one of her feet to your shoulder, enjoying the lovely girl: this is Traivikrama.

Seize her feet and lift them high (like a wheel barrow), drive your penis into her yoni and pleasure her with vigorous strokes: this is Kulisha.

You kneel, as in archery, take her on your lap and bend her forward till her breasts are pressed to her thighs: this is Ekabandha.

Lying on her side, facing away, the fawn-eyed girl offers you her buttocks and your penis penetrates the house of love: this is Nagabandha.

Keep watching for more....

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